Thursday, November 13, 2008

i absolutely, unconditionally, immeasurably love surprise visitors.



Carol-Lee Joy said...

wow. I love Nadine's face in the third one.

your girls are beautiful.

Lawren said...

You guys rock my life. On few-and-far-between occasions, perhaps, but nonetheless...

The verification is 'aester'. Latin for oyster. or Easter...?

cat.herine said...

i like that you look at these pictures and then tell us that we are beautiful. :)

also, lawren, i am very glad that we sometimes rock your world.
and i'm confused about the whole verification thing.

maria. said...

"I want my essay back!"

How about if next time I have the camera and you two pose?

oh, and the verification: the word you have to type in before you can post a comment. Just to clear things up for you, Catherine.

nadine j. said...


This is incredible.
I am most seriously laughing ridiculously hard.

Wow. This feels good.

Ju said...

bahahahaha! you ladies make me laugh.