Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Catherine le Fantastique.

This is my blog, and no other's.
Here I may rant about James Mcavoy (mic-Avoy) with input from others which I may promptly delete if (...when) they are in conflict with my [undisputable] opinions. That's right, Maria. I mean you.

Long live the Scot! (singular intended).

p.s. fascinating fact learned in Latin class today: Boys are always hungry.
If anyone is in disagreement with this statement, feel free to take it up with Longman Publishing Inc.


nadine j. said...

I am brilliant! I not only came up with an amazing URL thinger, but also an incredibly incomparable title of vital importance.

I mean of course summerskiing.
And le banane jaune.
Both of which came out of the amazing mushy thing inside mine head[namely the brain].

maria. said...

Thank you for your support. Due to the fact that my attention is somewhat focused on Screwtape, I will not attempt a thank you speech at this time for your blessings on the Scot.

Who would disagree with that statement? It's a known fact.

nadine j. said...

By the way, welcome to this blogging thing that some people call a world but I think that is only an inclination of their mind. It's really like a page...Kind of like a really really big book...an unlimited book.

In any case, welcome to the blogging...thing.

maria. said...

Kind of like your story about the harlot.

cat.herine said...

nadine, your brilliance has left us all speechless.
but only for a moment.

maria, my blessings upon the Scot were to the one and only JAMES. i do so hope you caught that, and didn't assume they were aimed towards you... [awkward silence]

cat.herine said...

oh maria. you HAD to bring up the harlot story...

perhaps i'll publish it in a later blog.

nadine j. said...

I am quite sertain that my brilliance has left you speechless for more than a moment. Or at least it deserves more than a moment. My brilliancy is highly under-valued amongst such as these.

maria. said...

I hope that you realize that you have just crushed me. Completely and totally.

My heart is now broken.


cat.herine said...

nadine, please tell me that your grievous spelling error in "Certain" was intentional...

maria: suck it up, princess.

maria. said...

GASP! FAINT! KEEL OVER WITH SHOCK! How durst you upset my delicate nerves with such a horrendous statement?

cat.herine said...

delicate nerves? pshaw! surely you jest.

maria. said...

I jest not.

cat.herine said...

Alright, alright. You're as delicate as a... china tea cup. Happy??

maria. said...

Very much so. Thank you.

cat.herine said...

Anytime, dear. Anytime.

maria. said...

Holy cow, I think we need to stop commenting.

cat.herine said...

Yeah. Let's stop... now!